We have some hang-ups when it comes to wet T-shirt contests: Sure, the participants opt in, but it's still a bit objectifying. So, when we heard about Kings County Bar's first annual Smallest Penis Contest, we 1. giggled, 2. got a little uncomfortable, and 3. took pause to think about what makes this type of pageant any different from those wet T-shirt contests we take issue with.
The event, which took place on Saturday, was held as a celebration of the less endowed, not to poke fun at them. Contestants only showed what they felt comfortable showing, in both "swimwear and evening wear" categories. Still, spraying water guns at tighty whities or encouraging nudity in order to show off controversial bits seems to place a fundamentally questionable gaze (and therefore some sort of judgement) on a body part usually reserved for er intimate moments.
Bar manager Aimee Arciuolo explains the roots of the contest: "The discussion came about after I had an exceptionally fun and amazing romp with a man who was less than endowed—it was actually shockingly tiny, like the size of an acorn... And it was great!... It should be celebrated, rather than a source of shame!" Put like that, we're totally on board! It's not the first time we've heard glowing reports from ladies who've encountered a micropenis (or just one that's below average). We're just wondering: Is this the same as those objectionable contests and pageants featuring women? Or is it even an issue? As Arciulo found, "Our straight male friends and regulars have told me this is the worst idea ever, eyes rolling, huffy-puffy and insulted. Our female friends and regulars are so excited and have all volunteered their time and energy into construction of the sets, sashes, crowns and scepters." What say you: Do size contests matter? Or is this all in good fun? (Gothamist)
Photo: Via Gothamist