At this point, you're probably begging us to cease and desist on all reports of the latest yummy options (read: cronuts) available to you, New Yorkers. But let's get serious: When it comes to amazing and delicious treats, we'll never stop our coverage — especially when those treats are kind of exceptionally noteworthy. Enter the Twinkie Churros.
Courtesy of chef and restaurateur Alex Garcia, the Twinkie Churros is, well, the best thing ever involving a cream-filled, golden sponge cake formerly manufactured by Hostess. Deep fried, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and served with a special hot chocolate dipping sauce, this dessert is our latest obsession. And since it's served at Garcia's Amigos restaurant in Morningside Heights, you can actually sit at a table and enjoy it, rather than waiting in a mile-long line.
If you're looking for a more spirited option, you can also try the Twinkie Ice Cream Shake, available at Garcia's A.G. Kitchen on the UWS. Combining vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and strawberry sauce, you can also spike the shake with strawberry-infused rum for an additional $5. Now, aren't you glad the Twinkie wasn't discontinued?
Amigos, 2888 Broadway (at W. 112 Street); 212-864-1143.
A.G. Kitchen, 269 Columbus Avenue (at W. 73 Street); 212-873-9400.
Images: Courtesy of Amigos and A.G. Kitchen