When it comes to symbols of our generation, the beard may be one of the most ubiquitous. It's even been said that the beard will become the "definitive visual shorthand for the early 21st century," much like the moustaches of the groovy '70s. Everyone from our favorite hipster friends to Hollywood's biggest leading men are sporting the facial hair these days, but now word is starting to spread that this trend may be on its last legs.
Trend watchers have long kept an eye on the festival scene to monitor the comings and goings of the fashionable set, and dispatches from this summer's circuit are reporting a major movement towards bare faces. A more clean-cut look is also seen all across the latest issue of Fantastic Man, a beacon of all things male style. Sure, for now this movement is nothing more than a whisper, but we're wise enough to know that once a trend peaks, it doesn't stay on top for long.
While we're confident that artsy types will continue to rock a full-haired look, we're preparing to say adieu to our favorite five o'clock shadows — at least those of our favorite actors. We may be sad to see the scruff go, but when it comes to George Clooney, we'll take his facial hair (or lack thereof) pretty much any way under the sun. (Guardian)
Photo: Via Guardian