When you’re from the country or the coast, the thought of living in the city is great, isn’t it? Twenty-four-hour takeaways, easy transport connections, and shopping sprees on the way home from work. But, in reality, it’s not all that. In fact, it’s none of that. Yep, when moving to the Big Smoke, “The Swinging City” as they call it, expectations sure do outweigh reality.
To limit your disappointment on arrival in the city, Buzzfeed has done a great job of rounding the biggest expectation fails. Take your new job, for example: A great graduate role with straightforward nine-to-five hours. Then reality strikes, and you don’t leave the office ‘til the work is done (Expectations 1 - Reality 0). How about the fabulous fruit market, with which you vowed to visit every weekend and start swearing by organic? Hmm, scrap that idea — too many Friday night gins, again (Expectations 2 -Reality 0). Sadly, the list goes on. And on. But hey, don’t see it all as bad news, consider it relocation preparation. And anyway, the city isn't all bad. (Buzzfeed)
Photo: Via Buzzfeed