Sexy Hair, one of our favorite affordable brands for bombshell locks, has announced their new celebrity representative: None other than global beauty icon Marilyn Monroe. In case you're wondering — no, it's not a Marilyn impersonator (we were kind of hoping for a drag queen). The new Sexy Hair ads will feature vintage images of Marilyn with sassy quotes.
It's an interesting choice, considering Monroe obviously passed away decades before this product came out. Usually one assumes that the face of a campaign is, well, using the product she's promoting, at least in the ads. This makes no attempt to tell us that. Instead, they're saying that their products are as timeless as Monroe herself. Given how much money some of us (ahem) have spent on Sexy Hair products over the years, perhaps they have a point.
So, will using Sexy Hair's tress tamers literally give us Monroe hair? Ugh, we wish. The important takeaway here can be found within the brand's new tagline: "Styles may change, but Sexy is forever." Why yes, we would like our hair to be timelessly sexy, thank you. Here's to hoping.
Photo: Via Sexy Hair