It's one thing to talk the talk, but when it comes to the next big thing in nail art, can you walk the finger-tattoo walk? One editor at XOVain set out to determine what the real deal is with cuticle nail art.
Don't worry: Annie didn't actually tattoo her fingers (she, rightly so, worries that tattooing one's fingers would result in ink bleeding into "creasy knuckle skin") — instead, she took Sarah M. Lyon's finger tattoos for a spin, which are delightfully un-permanent.
The result? Well, they made Annie feel like Rihanna...kind's a long story. Basically, it seems that the jury is still out on whether cuticle nail art will be a fun, playful trend that will have its trendy moment in the sun, or if they'll go the way of feather hair extensions. What say you, readers? (XOVain)

Photo: Via XOVain