Joel McHale gives us mixed feelings. On one hand, we have a hard time divorcing him from his morally questionable, oddly kind-but-still-smug character on Community...and the morally questionable, kind-but-bitter face he presents on The Soup. Whichever one is the real Joel, the witty comedian is one of our favorite folks to follow on Twitter. At The Cinema Society's Red 2 premiere, hosted by Bally (who made the jacket Joel was wearing, which he showed off lovingly before taking it off because it was about 95 degrees outside), we asked the actor/funny guy to give up the ultimate tip: How can we be as funny as he is on Twitter?
He shared with us because we are Refinery29 ("Out of all the Refineries, you may be 29, but you are one in my heart"), and gave us a good tip. And also a video that is about, to be quite honest, a guy on a buffalo.
Do you think you could teach us how to be funny on Twitter?
"Yeah, it’s like a math equation: day of the week plus the last time you farted (mention a celebrity like Kate Middleton or Kim Kardashian) equals: 'I saw Kim Kardashian fart last Tuesday,' and, bam you've got a funny tweet."
Is there any YouTube video you love right now?
"Yes, it's called Guy On A Buffalo. There are four parts. It’s the funniest thing you’ll ever
see in your life. It's my favorite thing. It’s not like an accident or mishap video; they
made it."
What’s your favorite song for the summer?
"'Guy On A Buffalo.' You think I'm joking, but it’s all about this song. I will sing it, and
in between Soup takes I'll play it for the audience."