Well, that didn't take long. With the plethora of small-batch Cronut knock-offs popping up in bakeries all over the world, it was only a matter of time before the big boys came out to play. Just a few weeks ago, Dunkin' Donuts launched their Donut Croissant, a flakey, fried confection which looks suspiciously familiar to the original artisanal baked good that took the world by storm less than two months ago. But there's a catch. If you want to try the factory-made Cronut, you'd better live in South Korea or the Philippines.
Maybe these are just test markets, or maybe they're afraid that Dominique Ansel might show up and kick the doors in, demanding they hand over all their croissant dough, but Dunkin' is keeping their new baby far away from NYC right now. However, if you're lucky enough to live in one of these countries, you can try the Donut Croissant, or one of the other iterations they've released. In Seoul, citizens line up for the "New York Pie Donut". In Manila, you can try out the Apple-Cinnamon or Choco-Almond varieties. We're not saying we support ripping off innovative concepts, but we would not be upset if one of our beloved South Korean or Filipino readers wanted to stick one of these in the mail for us. Just kidding. But not really. (Quartz)