Watch: Shoppers FREAK Over Free Alexander Wang

We flip for Alex Wang. No, really, we do. But we wouldn't trample, fight, pinch, nudge, bite, cry, or slap our friends for him. Still, some would. And those fanatical few were given the opportunity to prove their love of all things Wang when the designer rounded them up and gave away free T By Alexander Wang merch.
Of course, Wang didn't intend to start a rumble between his number-one fans, but rather, "to have a dialog that provokes and at the same time has a sense of wit and irony." Death match for fashion? Sure. The designer continued, “Nothing is formulaic with T. This project was viral and street at the same time, which allowed us not only to communicate with our audience through different avenues, but to activate them. I liked the idea of creating a destination that’s unknown, mysterious, and fun, where people can connect.” And connections, of course, were made.
Check out the video — directed by Jawbreakers' Darren Stein to get a glimpse of the free for all (literally). (Fashionista)

Photo Via: Fashionista, Video via YouTube

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