So, we've finally mastered the good habit of slathering our faces with sunscreen — high fives all around! But, skin-care-smugness aside, it's important to remember that our visages aren't the only parts of our bodies that can be susceptible to premature aging.
On the list of body parts that age the fastest? Hands, feet — and especially the easily-overlooked neck and decolleté region. Plus, hair is susceptible to thinning and weakening (thankfully, there are now anti-aging products for follicles). And, don't forget drier areas like your elbows; regular exfoliation of our funny bones can ward off scaly skin and cracks later on in life.
Thankfully, if we start paying attention now to these important body parts, we'll be able to prevent future damage later. So, today's important lesson, class, is to extend your preventative skin care regimen beyond your face — you'll reap the rewards later on. (SHEfinds)