Ever wondered what the secret to success is at Burberry? (Besides the dreamy trenches, beautiful bags, and stand-and-stare ad campaigns, that is.) Well, read on. Company CEO and all-round superwoman Angela Ahrendts just revealed the fantastic formula that’s keeping our favourite British brand way ahead of the rest. And the secret is a simple one: positive human energy. Hold up there — that’s it?
Speaking at a TED talk in L.A., Ahrendts explained that combating negative forces is essential to the brand's working culture, which is based upon trust, intuition, and belief. “Trust is single-handedly the most powerful source of positive energy, and once in place, it unlocks a freedom and peace to explore.” Ahrendts goes on to define human energy as “emotional electricity," which, when harnessed, secures success and confidence. And looking at Burberry’s stats, she certainly isn't wrong. Elsewhere, she proclaims digitalism (a girl after our own heart!), as this generation’s “greatest gift”— one that encourages creative freedom and endless potential. Ahrendts, we bow down. (Vogue)
Photo: Via Vogue.