How To Be Vegan Without Going Hungry

It's one thing to aspire to be vegan. It's another thing entirely to overhaul one's eating habits and embark upon a creature-free diet. Animal-derived products are in nearly all pre-made and processed foods, so it's not just a matter of cutting out the meat and dairy. Luckily, for those who are nervous to go vegan because they're not sure there'd be anything left to eat, the Huffington Post compiled a rad list of vegan kitchen staples and where to get them.
From condiments (yes, vegan mayo is a thing and it's delicious) to snacks, there's no reason that being vegan has to equal going hungry. However, we think it's important to note that a vegan diet isn't necessarily always a healthy diet. Just because a candy bar happens to be vegan doesn't make it any less of a candy bar. But it's certainly good to know that it's still an option — a vegan on her period without the option of chocolate sounds like a sad scene, indeed.
Our favorite part of this list? The helpful info about vegan breakfast options. If you've ever tried to brunch with a vegan you're familiar with what a disaster it can turn in to. We were psyched to read the waffle mix options in particular.
What are your favorite vegan kitchen must-haves? (Huffington Post)
vegan linkoutphoto: via the huffington post.

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