It's Sunday FUNday again, which means it's time for another R29 editor to share the new books, TV, movies, and music that have her (or him!) excited for the week ahead. Today, Annie Tomlin, our beauty director, is stepping up.
Read: Saga
By now, we all know that comics can be smart, political, witty, and moving. (Right?) Saga, the current comics, uh...saga from writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples, is all of those things and more. It's a space opera about love and war, and I know that makes the story sound incredibly dorky, but hey, you liked Star Wars, didn't you? (I refer to episodes IV through VI only, of course.)
Watch: Ain't Them Bodies Saints
From the trailer for this indie drama, I'm picking up a vague Bonnie and Clyde vibe — which is, in my book, a very good thing. Ruth Guthrie and Bob Muldoon (Rooney Mara and Casey Affleck) play young, gorgeous, crazy-in-love outlaws living in 1970s Texas. While on the run, Bob takes the blame for Ruth's crime, and he's hit with a prison sentence.
Play: Valerie June, Pushin' Against A Stone
I first heard about this singer a few months ago while in France, where every magazine seemed to be writing about the très cool Valerie June. It's easy to see why: She's stunning, but more importantly, the woman can sing. (And play the guitar, banjo, and ukulele, if you're counting.)