Rad Or Bad: This New App Sets You Up On Blind Dates

1Illustrated by Austin Watts
Is it just us, or are blind dates one of the most stressful things ever? Maybe it's the fact that we're always set up by our moms — and let's face it, moms aren't exactly light on the pressure — but we're simply terrified at the thought of meeting up with a perfect stranger (major props to all you ladies out there hitting the blind dating scene, you're better than us!). Which is exactly why we did a double take when we heard about the latest app from the team behind OkCupid, Crazy Blind Date.
The service promises exactly what it sounds like: blind dates. You input a time that works for you and your favorite bar or restaurant, and the app finds you a date and sets it all up — all you have to do is show up and have a great time. You are allowed to chat with the guy or girl through the app beforehand, but the identity of both parties is kept a secret until the big night.
Our first reaction was sheer terror — someone's taken our worst fear and charged us money for it! But, upon further research, it could be a solid idea. After all, OkCupid isn't exactly new to the romance algorithm, so we're pretty sure the company can match people to a T. And, the app lets you file confidential reviews after every date, so the service can start narrowing down your type. But, that doesn't mean we're racing out to sign up — we think this calls for a glass of wine and a classic pro-con list before we make any decisions. What do you think: Is this simply the way of the future, or are you totally weary?

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