With all the discussion surrounding what types of birth control are best, and what the pill really does to your body, it's easy to assume that all young women are hip to the contraceptive discussion. But, according to a new study from Duke University Medical Center, the number of women relying on effective forms of birth control is staggeringly low. Turns out, one in three women still rely on withdrawal (read: the pull-out method).
And, the numbers only get more disheartening from there — of those who use withdrawal, nearly 21% are faced with unwanted pregnancies, compared with only 13% of women using methods like the pill or condoms. Researchers believe that part of the problem is that many doctors consider withdrawal to be so antiquated that they assume their patients know not to use it, and are choosing not to discuss the risks at all. Instead, practitioners need to take time to educate young couples about effective (and safe) forms of birth control.
So, what's causing the large number of sexually active women to forgo traditional birth control? It could be because methods like the pill or condoms require more active participation from partners — the act of refilling prescriptions and scheduling doctor's visits can be overwhelming, especially for patients without reliable access to health care. In short, the researchers at Duke are stressing the importance of understanding the risks involved with outdated contraception, as well as keeping an open dialogue with your doctors about your methods. And, as always, get your menstrual cycle down pat. (Daily Mail)