Our girl crush on Victoria Beckham just got a little bit more serious, after reading her refreshingly real interview with Vogue Australia. Opening up about life at home with the family, she swears they’re “much more normal than people think.” Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say, but VB follows up with supporting evidence: "Honestly, once the children are in bed I’d rather work or shove on a face pack and pluck my eyebrows. By the time Brooklyn’s finally gone to bed, it’s all I’m fit for.” Elsewhere, making us smile with her words about her hubby, she says, “He has been an inspiration not just to me and the children but also to millions of people, we are now just really excited at the prospect of spending more time as a family.” Adorable.
But, the most honest part comes when she turns the conversation toward her label, and opens up about her feelings of self-doubt when her collection was first unveiled. "Everyone would file in and act so inscrutable…I’d think: 'Um, did anyone like it?' No-one would say anything, so I’d just gabble to fill the embarrassing silences – even to the Japanese, who didn’t understand a word I was saying!" See, it's not all pouts and poses. Mother-of-four, ex-Spice Girl, successful designer — call her what you will, but Victoria Beckham, you're just a normal woman, aren't you? (Grazia)
Photo: Via Grazia.