Kanye and Kim K. can dine with Anna Wintour all they want, but that doesn't mean their relationship will leak onto the pages of Vogue. The new parents of baby Knorth North have reportedly been vying for Wintour's approval to feature Kim and North on the cover of the glossy, having it be the world's first glimpse of the infant. Anna, however, isn't having one bit of it. Wintour has a strict policy of not featuring any reality TV stars on the cover of Vogue, but Kanye West has made a career by being the exception to the rule.
"Kanye is determined to make sure baby North isn’t photographed by paparazzi then splashed across the world," a source close to the musician told Radar. "He knows what he wants — a professional photographer and the cover of Vogue — nothing else."
West has pulled together all of the data from the latest magazine statistics that show reality stars, especially Kim Kardashian, sell the most fashion magazines. Her Cosmopolitan cover was the best selling cover of the year with 1.2 million copies sold. Numbers like that are hard to ignore, but Kanye isn't fighting circulation stats here; he's taking on a publication's values. Reportedly, he's so convinced he'll persuade Anna, he's putting Kim through intense physical training and reaching out to photographer friends like Mario Testino and Annie Leibovitz. That's all nice and well, but based on these statistics, Kanye better get Beyoncé, then maybe Wintour will talk. Maybe. (Radar)