NY Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Lands A Book Deal: Is She Hillary 2.0?

kirstenslidePhoto: Courtesy of the Office of U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
For female politicians on the rise, a few milestones can indicate that something big lies ahead: a spread in a major glossy, a choice Senate seat, and a juicy book deal. And New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand just nailed the trifecta by signing a deal for a memoir that is scheduled for release in fall 2014. But what really has the wonks buzzing? Not only did Gillibrand snag the senate seat that Hillary Clinton vacated in 2009, but she also got help with her book deal from Clinton's literary agent. New York mag implies that a book deal means she's gunning for the presidency in 2024 — presumably, after Hillz gets elected, and then re-elected. (New York Magazine)

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