Your Weekend Reading: Senator Wendy Davis In Vogue

It's been a big week for women in politics — at least as it relates to publicity. First, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand inks a book deal and earns comparisons to Hillary Clinton. And now, Senator Wendy Davis of Texas — she of the legendary 11-hour filibuster to block an abortion bill — has scored a glamorous spread in the September issue of
. We all know that Anna Wintour loves a pretty, photogenic politician, but we're pleased to see that the Heidi Mitchell-authored piece dwells mostly on Davis' credentials and achievements, not on her looks or her relationship with her closet. In what was reportedly an emotional interview, Davis reveals her struggles as a young single mother, starting from scratch with community college classes and working her way to an office in the Texas State Capitol, and her current status as one of the most profound advocates for women's rights. It's a well-written story with enough stylish tidbits to leave Vogue readers sated — not offended — and captures a side of Davis that only makes her more compelling. (Vogue)

voguemainPhoto: Via Vogue/Eric Boman

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