Know any good jokes? Well, actually we do, thanks to comedian Rob Auton, who has just won the award for funniest joke at this year's Edinburgh fringe festival. And what is his winning entry? "I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa." Umm, okay, it might be in the delivery. (Also, for all our readers not based in the U.K., a Wispa bar is a much loved bubbly milk chocolate bar sold in every newsagent across the country.)
The comedian and former paintbrush salesman won the award after his joke was selected by a panel of "comedy experts" and voted for by the general public. Auton commented on his win, "I am honoured to receive this award and just pleased that a joke that tackles the serious issue of the invention of a new chocolate bar can be laughed at by the people of Britain." Quite. Other gems in this top-ten list include Tim Vine's " "My friend told me he was going to a fancy dress party as an Italian island. I said to him 'Don't be Sicily'." And Liam Williams' joke, "The universe implodes. No matter." It seems if you like a pun, you're laughing with this list. Literally. Click through for the entire top ten and let us know which one is your favourite. Personally, we're rather tickled by Mr Vine's ditty. (The Telegraph)
Photo: Via The Telegraph