In a recent poll by Business Insider and SurveyMonkey Audience, 1,603 Americans voted New York the rudest and the most arrogant state. Those were two separate voting questions, and yes, we won them both. What other titles are we claiming? Best food, and worst sports fans. All so very, very true.
The only rule in this survey was that for each question, participants had to vote on a state that wasn't their own. So, what else did the group decide? They voted which state had the most hotties (California), the best scenery (Colorado), and the best accent (Massachusetts, ahhhhbviously). They also offered up Texas as the state they'd most enjoy kicking out of the country altogether.
How accurate could this poll possibly be? Well, SurveyMonkey Audience more accurately predicted the 2012 election than many traditional polling systems. So, there's that. As for the survey's harsh findings on the people of NY? Okay, okay, we can take a hint. #sorrynotsorry (Business Insider)