As the leaks continue regarding the new and, presumably, improved iPhone, things are only getting shinier. First we found out there would be a gold version in addition to the traditional black and white, and now, behold: Graphite!
Assuming the photos are authentic, this is definitely the Batman of iPhones — and we're talking Christian Bale Batman, none of that questionable Ben Affleck stuff. Some might call it gray, but it's a whole lot fancier to say graphite, right? Sleek, sexy, and very professional looking, the newly diversified color selection definitely serves to separate the different demographics using the iPhone, from business execs to tweens. It's only a matter of time before they come out with a hot pink version.
According to Complex (citing a tweet by Clayton Morris), the new version will also be quite a bit faster — 31% faster, to be exact. Again, none of this is confirmed, but the hype is definitely building and we can't help but be pretty excited for that next upgrade, even if there are a few other phones catching our eye these days... (Complex)