Victoria Beckham Is Really Good At Doing Her Own Hair (According To Her Stylist)

Newsflash: Victoria Beckham is really good at styling her own hair. Ken Paves, her stylist of over seven years, divulged this information to Grazia at the recent launch, of his book,
You Are Beautiful: A Beauty Guide to Real Women

He says of VB, “She can do a wicked ponytail and great waves by tonging it. Sometimes we’re together and I say, “Oh my god, your hair looks amazing, did somebody come over?” She’s like “No.” How refreshing.
Paves also goes on to reveal that the former Spice Girl doesn’t have vast wardrobes filled with the latest runway creations; oh no, it is all about the edit, “I admire her because the best thing about fashion is that it’s all about the edit. Victoria does the greatest edit of all. Everything is so streamlined and it’s all organised. Her closet is not enormous by any means.” Bravo Mrs Beckham, you are a woman after our own hearts. All we need to do now is perfect our tonging technique. (Grazia)

Photo: Via Ken Paves Instagram


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