60 Seconds With Camila Alves

Unlike the fashion capital of the nation, the Big Apple, we don't often see runway models strutting around our West Coast turf. So, when we heard fashion star Camila Alves was heading to the Bay to debut Macy's newly in-store I.N.C home collection (it was only available online in the past) as the line's brand ambassador, we knew we had to snag a few minutes with Matthew McConaughey's wifey to talk paparazzi dramz, her must-have beauty potions, and the places she'll be stopping by while in the city.

You’re here to debut the in-store launch of the I.N.C home collection. What are some home decorating tips that you’ve picked up?

“Your home is an extension of who you are. What I love to do in my house is find very unique things from everywhere I go, I'm always collecting things for my home. I also like to mix things that are really fine with really inexpensive things. That mix really creates a good vibe. It's not pretentious. And, you'd be surprised at how much you can do to make your home look beautiful with very inexpensive things. It's about how you play and place them, and finding unique things that you never thought could be used as a piece of art or decoration.”


What drew you to becoming a brand ambassador for I.N.C?

"When they reached out to me a little bit over two years ago, I was like, ‘Okay, well, let me become really familiar with the brand.’ I remember I was in Texas at the time, and I walked into the store and I saw I.N.C, and it was plus-sized. I found out that day that I.N.C has plus-sizes all the way to petite, and I was like, 'That's neat to have a brand that covers all sizes.' Then, I started to learn about the brand, and saw that they covered all fashion styles. The fact that they embrace every single one of us was a big thing for me.”

You also design handbags for your line My Muxo. What are some handbag trends that you love right now?

“I would say mixing around with the bohemian-chic trend. We have a lot of different tones of blues right now and that's a big thing, it can go with anything that you have. The main thing that I love doing to bags is adding practicality to it. I have this one bag now that looks very sophisticated and has a clean look, but it's got this secret pocket in the bottom that can fit your shoes and stuff like that.”

San Francisco is a tech hub, is there anything tech-y you can’t live without?

“Google, really. My son is five now and he's very inquisitive about everything, so he wants to know what everything means, and how, and when it started, and how does it happen, and who made it, and all of that. I only know so many answers that I get to the point where I'm like 'Umm, I have to look that up!' So, Google has been a good friend these days.”


What are some places in the city you want to explore while in San Francisco?

“I was looking to go to the Exploratorium. I heard it's great. And, I heard of an indoor-trampoline place [House of Air]. I'm thinking of taking my kids there.”

You're obviously gorgeous. What are your go-to products when it comes to makeup and hair?

“I have to keep it simple. My skin gets crazy with anything that I do to it, so I've been using a brand called Nude — I've been using its omega oil and serum. For makeup, Dior has this great lipstick and lipgloss. It enhances your lips' natural color, it's moisturizing, and it's natural and very pretty.”

What model stereotype would you like to get rid of?

“A lot of people say models don't think, and you'd be surprised, a lot of them are going to become doctors, lawyers, and do major things. I'm even giving them credit. Many have full-on businesses and companies and are doing a lot of charity work. Yeah, there's some of them out there who don't really have a thought of their own, of course, but that's with any business you get into. But, a lot of the girls out there, they're really smart. They're really, truly smart.”

You were the host of Shear Genius — would you ever consider having a reality show?

“My own? I couldn't do that. That's just not the kind of family that we are. There's nothing wrong with those who want to do it. It just doesn't work for us. My husband is in the position that, I wouldn't even know how that would work. Our lives are very public, and I couldn't imagine being more public than we already are. The private times that we have, I truly cherish them. We go to places around the country, but because how we live our lives, they don't bother us, they're not aggressive — even the paparazzi. Most of the time in California, in Malibu, they're outside our house every single day, but on certain days I can go up to them and go, 'Guys, not today,' and they actually turn around, and they respect that.”

Photo: Courtesy of Macy's

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