Eminem's recent commercial revival has spawned countless YouTube imitators, but we haven't seen one quite like this. Calling themselves Marilyn Headroom & The Randimals, Tessa (@tessarapa) and Emily (@emilyrutan) tackle the performer's hit "Rap God" with geeky aplomb. Part-parody, part-tribute, it's all weird — but ultimately charming. (Not to mention impressive — they aren't joking around with those lyrical handstands.)
Dressed like sensible twentysomething office workers (with moves to match), Tessa and Emily effortlessly spit fire through the six-minute-long rap track. The humor, of course, is in the contrast between their prim image and the surprising delivery. Somehow, the lyrics feel slightly more insane with two girls singing them with a poker face, and we think that's part of the point. Will Eminem take notice? They apparently hope so. Describing themselves as "life-long Stans" via their "Home Office" YouTube bio, the girls met at summer camp one year and have been "keeping it silly" ever since. And, now their silliness is ours to enjoy. Watch Marilyn Headroom & The Randimals' take on "Rap God" below. "The Monster" as sequel, anyone?