A Hard-Of-Hearing Writer Shares Her Perspective On Beauty

xovainPhoto: Via XoVain.
We all have our beauty pet peeves — from hangnails to dry skin — but for writer Kelly Dougher, one's beauty look is about more than aesthetics. As a woman who has been hard of hearing for her entire life, Dougher relies on sign language and reading people's lips to communicate with others. As Dougher explains, she's much more likely to notice everyone's fading lipstick and chipped nails (and, subsequently, get skeeved out by them).
So, Dougher has unwittingly become a stickler for polished beauty looks. Chapped lips? Yeah, she does notice those flakes — a healthy reminder for all of us to exfoliate and keep those puppies moisturized before applying our fave bright lipstick. And, when it comes to nail polish, Dougher encourages those who are ASL-fluent to rock bright nail polish (when signing quickly, Dougher says that bright nails can look like "a flock of tropical birds fluttering in the air"). Even more reason to love your new fall nail color, huh?

Head on over to XOVain to read the rest of Dougher's fascinating thoughts on deafness and beauty, and check out her adorably informative video on the top ten ASL signs to know — because being educated is a beautiful thing.


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