What Men Really Think About Pretend Pinterest Weddings

embedddPhoto: Courtesy of BHLDN.
When it comes to weddings, we generally like to avoid bridezilla territory. But Pinterest is one place where you get a free pass to really go crazy. Ten-thousand dollar vintage gowns, perfectly manicured farm scenery, a ridiculously rustic reception, and of course your collectors-only Rolls Royce for the getaway car. Even girls who never dreamed about getting married as kids seem to fall into the beautiful inspiration trap that is the Pinterest wedding community — including yours truly. But what, pray tell, do the grooms themselves actually think of all this?
Well, it just so happens there's a self-described "man with a beard" (his profile picture is Ryan Gosling, but we're not going to take it too literally) currently curating his very own Pinterest board that represents his idea of what men actually dig from the many female-oriented wedding fantasies. From "hot wedding dresses" to date ideas, there's not a ton of content up so far, but it's definitely an interesting way of looking at Pinterest's most popular trend. What do you think, brides to be? Would you take his advice, or simply request that he very kindly butt out of your business? Check it out for yourself here.

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