Many raised an eyebrow at the idea of rebooting Paul Verhoeven's classic RoboCop. But, today's release of the trailer has audiences itching for the release of the new José Padilha film. Starring Joel Kinnaman of AMC's The Killing, this new RoboCop looks sleek, shiny, and more complex than the original. Don't be fooled, as there are still plenty of high-tech devices and big-budget explosions. But, the plot centers on Alex Murphy/RoboCop as a conflicted human, despite the fact that he's part machine. Even more intriguing, Padilha seems to have been influenced by current events. Many critics note the RoboCop reboot's plot line seems to reflect the plight of injured servicemen who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan changed, in more ways than one.
Audiences are sure to enjoy the myriad cameos scattered throughout, including Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, and the always-creepy Jackie Earle Haley in a villainous role. Even for viewers who never saw the original, this update is pretty exciting. Until the release on February 7, 2014, we at least have this killer trailer to tide us over. Trust, it's worth a re-watch. (Eonline)