Somebody get Donald Trump on the horn, fast. We just discovered by way of The Telegraph that Karl Lagerfeld is not who he says he is. Well, yes, he is a sunglass-wearing older gentleman with pristine white hair and an amazing cat, but his age? Turns out it's actually something of a mystery.
People are wishing him a happy 80th birthday today, but dig through some of his past interviews and statements, and you'll find conflicting data. Both Wikipedia and Google state he was born on September 10, 1933; however, the designer has previously told The Telegraph that he was born five years later, in 1938. On top of that, he's also told Paris Match that he was born in 1935. According to Lagerfeld himself, his mother "changed the date. It was easier to write a 3 or an 8."
So, there are a couple surprising things here. First, Lagerfeld has a mother?! We always assumed he was hatched from a pod delivered to Earth by aliens from an unknown fashion planet. Second, the king of perfectionism doesn't know his own birthday? Next thing we know, news will break that he has considered a presidential bid, but had to revoke it when it was revealed he was actually born in Kenya...gasp!
Regardless, happy birthday Mr. Lagerfeld, however old you are. Hope it's a great one. (Telegraph)