Miranda July's ongoing We Think Alone art project has shed an intimate light on many of today's influencers. It's a rare kind of opportunity to peer into what celebs like Kirsten Dunst are thinking about, doing, and feeling. Lena Dunham's been a prominent staple of the project, too, sharing her candid, on-point observations that blur the line between her character on Girls and her real-life persona.
The latest installment features an e-mail Dunham sent back in 2007 while attending college at Oberlin. Written to an anonymous "E" figure, Dunham's message is, on the one hand, pure blabber and on the other, just brilliant. In just a few sentences, whe goes from random anecdotes about her friend's bedroom problems to existential crisis questions. "How would you rate your life thus far on a scale of 1 to 11?" Deep thoughts amidst casual birthday well-wishes and sibling problems does a good letter make.
The biggest takeaway here isn't her newfound compliment revelation (although her idea is pretty noteworthy). Dunham photoboothed her 21-year-old self wearing a very Mary Gallagher Superstar-esque costume, and attached it. Ironically, this might be the tamest provocative picture of her to date. We wonder what "E" thinks of Dunham's public antics now. (Gothamist)