[UPDATE]: 12:20 a.m.: Because of many broken levers in voting machines and the large amount of paper ballots, the votes in the Democratic mayoral primary will be recounted tomorrow. And since the paper ballots have to be postmarked by today, we won't have an official answer on whether a de Blasio/Thompson runoff election will take place for another few days. Stay tuned!
[UPDATE]: 11:56 p.m.: de Blasio has finished first in the Democratic mayoral primary, with 96% of voting places reporting he has earned 40.2% of votes. With such a narrow lead over the required 40% in avoiding a runoff and 4% of votes still to come in, Thompson has stated, "My friends, this is far from over."
[UPDATE]: 11:36 p.m.: Scott Stringer has won the Democratic primary for comptroller.
[UPDATE]: 10:56 p.m.: Lhota is the projected winner of the Republican mayoral primary with 52% of votes.
[UPDATE]: 10:49 p.m.: Weiner is delivering his concession speech, while de Blasio leads with 39.3% of votes and Thompson takes second place with 25.9% of votes, with 72% of voting places reporting.
[UPDATE]: 10:32 p.m.: With 55% of voting places reporting, de Blasio maintains a steady lead with 39.1% of votes, and Quinn has dropped to just 15.4% of votes.
[UPDATE]: 9:36 p.m.: Okay, we don't know for sure, quite yet. But, The New York Times reports De Blasio has 38.2% of the vote and Quinn has 31.5%, with 1% of voting places reporting.
Though some New Yorkers have not yet accepted the fact that Michael Bloomberg will have to eventually leave office, many of us hit the polls today to have our say in who should fill his shoes. Now that the polls have officially closed in today's mayoral primary, we're anxiously awaiting the results. At this time, exit polls from The New York Times indicate that Bill de Blasio has won far more votes than his fellow candidates in the Democratic mayoral primary, though it is still unclear if he has obtained the 40 percent necessary to avoid an additional race against the candidate with the second highest number of votes. Stay tuned for live updates!