When it comes to Spy-gate (a.k.a. the NSA controversy), the internet's biggest tour de forces, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Yahoo's Marissa Mayer are uneasy. Both Facebook and Yahoo have faced criticism for not doing enough to prevent their site users from the prying eyes of the government. The CEOs were quick to defend themselves at a TechCrunch conference this week, revealing some major struggles between their companies and the government since the incident, Fast Company reports.
Mayer's maintains her fear of jail time kept Yahoo from outing its battles with the government's surveillance requests. "Releasing classified information is treason and you are incarcerated," said Mayer. "When you lose and you don't comply, it's treason. We think it makes more sense to work within the system." Zuckerberg was more defiant. "The government blew it," he said."They blew it on communicating the balance of what they were going for with this."
Facebook's general counsel, Colin Stretch, announced Monday that the firm would sign a petition demanding federal agencies be more "transparent" in how they deal with spying on U.S. citizens. In the meantime, our privacy settings are ironclad.
(Fast Company)