We love progress, but even we aren't sure we're ready for this:
We've stumbled upon Vaportini, a new product that allows you to consume alcohol in a "revolutionary" way: by —you guessed it— inhaling it. The benefits?" No calories; no carbs, no impurities." It doesn't even hit your digestive tract, because it's mere alcohol-infused air. Does this mean it will be a sponsor at Fashion Week next season? Don't be surprised.
Vaportini claims to give the drinker more control over their alcohol intake, because whereas it takes 20 to 30 minutes for imbibed spirits to really kick in, it happens within just seconds when you inhale it. Theoretically, this could mean you'd consume less overall because each "hit" would be more individually pure and effective.
How does this work, exactly? There's a chart to the left. You place the spirit of your choice (Vaportini recommends Vodka, Bourbon, Gin or Tequila of 70+ proof) on the base and wait five minutes while it does its transmutative magic. Then, you inhale through a straw, breathe in, and exhale. Congratulations, you just did your liver a huge favor.
Still, the company admits their bleeding edge innovation might be a bit "intimidating" for some to handle just yet. The idea of a clean buzz is awesome, but as of now Vaportini seems more like a beta-phase product that should be experienced in a laboratory, not a bar setting (except maybe the sci-fi-themed Dernier Bar avant la Fin du Monde in Paris). Potential Gareth Pugh Spring 2014 after-party libation, perhaps? We'll be watching.