We already know what you're asking: Who is that handsome man? His name is Valery Joseph, and come October, he's the reason you can get your hair did at Barneys. Set to open October 8, B3 Barneys Blow Bar by Valery Joseph will be part of the newly renovated beauty floor at the Madison Avenue flagship store. And not since the likes of Fabio have we seen such luscious locks.
Of course, Joseph is no stranger to New York. With several salons on the Upper East Side and a summer salon in Bridgehampton, he's a bit of a local favorite among Manhattan's upper crust. B3 will offer more than just blow outs, though, and its services are designed to be convenient and affordable. Beyond basic blow-dry styling, you can also get haircuts and extensions at B3. Plus, the salon will have its own entrance for early/late hours. Yep, we are officially busy on October 8.