All you treadmill-loving ladies know what we're talking about: Sometimes the habits of your fellow gym-goers are a bit questionable, to say the least. The dude who loudly hums along to his iPod, slowly working his way up until he's practically belting out the chorus as he gallops on the treadmill mere inches away from yours.
Or, the girl who is ratcheting up to 10 before she's good and ready — who looks frighteningly like she's about be flung off her treadmill at any moment.
One of our personal favorites is the guy or gal who, in a late-night sea of open treadmills, opts to use the one directly next to yours — basically challenging you to a weird, competitive treadmill race at a time when you didn't necessarily want one.
We've all come across these gym characters, and many more. Notice anyone at your gym with particularly annoying — or endearing — habits? Share with us in the comments, then head over to Pop Sugar to see them all illustrated as GIFs.
(Pop Sugar)