Though industry leaders and readers alike have been watching the evolution of Lucky under Eva Chen's leadership, it isn't the only title Anna Wintour has been keeping a close eye on. According to the
Times, Wintour will now take her liberties as artistic director of Condé Nast to revamp Glamour.
Glamour has the same print audience as Vogue (a whopping 11 million), but its ad pages were down about 4% at the end of May, and its yearly newsstand sales declined over 28% as of June. The entire magazine has not suffered similarly, however, as editor-in-chief Cindi Leive has garnered a record number of editorial awards and raised circulation to 2.3 million, the highest ever for the glossy. Given the recent shakedown at Lucky (Wintour replaced former EIC Brandon Holley with Teen Vogue-alum Eva Chen earlier this summer), there is some speculation as to whether Wintour's intervention with the magazine will result in editorial changes. CEO of Condé Nast Charles Townsend denies any claims that Wintour will supersede Leive, but the Times has offered different information: "According to a magazine executive at a competing company with direct knowledge of the discussions, a creative director at his company was approached about working in a similar role for Glamour, and told that the post would report to Ms. Wintour, not Cindi Leive, the magazine’s editor." At this point, Wintour's role in the process is too vague to discern whether any major changes will be made at all. What is certain is that she's taking her new title to the next level. (The Cut)