Proof That The London Fog Is A Beautiful Thing

When you ask anyone outside of the U.K. what they think about London, you'll almost definitely hear some kind of weather-related reply. "It's always raining, right?" is the usual refrain. Wrong, if the gloriously sunny spell the city is currently experiencing is anything to go by, anyway. Seriously though, we haven't even broken into our new-season 100 dernier tights yet.
But, who are we kidding, here? While sunshine spells are very much appreciated, it is Monday's eerily beautiful fog cloud that really rocked our boat. The fog wasn't pea-souper, but rather a soft-focus lens that bathed the city in a fuzzily, gentle light.
And of course, when the city looks this good, people take a lot of pictures. Cue Buzzfeed's fantastic round-up of a very lovely London town. Click the link below to see the entire line-up and send a silent plea that this everlasting summer we're having continues on until at least November. (Buzzfeed)

Photo: Via Buzzfeed.


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