You're tired. Too tired to follow a recipe and much, much too tired of the same, old Thai dish you've been ordering for a week straight. If you're in a rut when it comes to dinner options, we've just found your way out — and you're going to love us for it.
Homemade-meal cooperative Mealku has just introduced Cookbook Takeout, which allows members to peruse featured cookbooks, choose a recipe, and then do absolutely nothing but wait for a bike messenger to ring your doorbell, meal in hand. Seriously — no pots and pans needed. All you've got to do is visit Mealku.com to place your order (average cost is $10 to $12 per meal plus a $1 delivery fee), and a host of featured chefs will handle the rest.
The site allows you to check out the most popular meals, as well as the guy or gal who will be preparing it for you so you'll know exactly what to expect when that hot plate arrives. Right now, Mark Bittman's VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 is on the menu, and the recipes are right up our alley. But stay tuned, because with the buzz Mealku's service is getting, you can be sure your options (for lunch, too!) will expand soon.
Now, we know you're tired, but we're guessing you're not too tired to sign up.