Why 15% Of American Adults Don’t Use The Internet

01 offline adults updatePhoto: Courtesy of Pew
Believe it or not, about one in seven American adults still don't use the Internet. According to a recent survey, 15% of those polled are non-users because they find it either too expensive, too confusing, or simply irrelevant to their lives. In fact, the majority simply don't seem to care enough to use it, with 34% of adults polled saying they have no need for the Internet. Another 32% find it "difficult" or "frustrating" (we hear you on that last one; our above image says it all!) or even dangerous, due to hackers, spyware, and spam. 19% say the cost of owning a computer and/or Internet access is why they don't go online, while a small minority (7%) say they simply lack physical access to a connection.
While 85% of American adults are in fact active online, only 76% browse from home. Another 9% use the Internet elsewhere, primarily because it's cheaper. The survey, conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, focused on adults "18 and older," but we'd love to see a more specific breakdown of the ages of non-users to see how many adults younger than our grandparents don't "do" the Internet. [Pew]

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