Watch: Experience An Entire London Day In 30 Seconds

There is no such thing as an "average" day in London. Each day brings with it a fresh new wave of experiences, dramas, and stresses. As the people at Foursquare know only too well. Over the last 12 months, the company has been collating all of the check-in data for some of the world's major cities to create videos depicting what an "average" day actually looks like.
The 30-second video for London begins with the rush of commuters zooming into the city (depicted in green) and as the day progresses, the green gives way to clusters of blue, which is the colour for nightlife. What is slightly embarrassing is the time at which everything is done and dusted in the city. At 3 a.m., the city that has claimed in the past to be a one-stop 24-hour party shop is fast asleep. Not that we mind too much, as there is still something pretty wonderful about watching the lifeforce of this city undulate and recede with our very own eyes. Who knew that bragging letting the world know about where you're eating, drinking, and dancing could look so good? (Londonist)

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