How The World Wants Breaking Bad To End

1Photo: Courtesy of AMC
Brace yourselves, everybody, because tonight offers what might be the most riveting hour of television...ever! The Breaking Bad train has been barreling towards a destructive end for 15 episodes now, and the series finale promises to be ultimately devastating and jaw-dropping. We've known for awhile that the show's final hour will feature Walt armed with a machine gun and a vial of ricin (thanks to the flash forward), which has led to unending posturing and predictions from fans and critics alike. Since we can't get enough BrBa analysis, we jumped when we found this survey from market research firm Survata.
The company polled viewers to find out both how they want the show to end, and how they think it will end, and the results were pretty surprising. The majority of respondents said that they preferred to see Walt reclaim his money and evade police. Second and third place went to Walt dying — either by the hand of another character or from his cancer. More surprising still is that an equal number of viewers believe Walt will die as believe Walt will survive the end of the show. We're no screenwriting experts, but we have to believe that there's no possible way a character like Walt's won't face the music at the end of the show. But, that's the beauty of Breaking Bad — just when you think you've got a handle on the plot, they go and slap you in the face with a twist. Is it 9 p.m. EST yet? (Uproxx)

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