Any New Yorker who's tried dating in this city — whether it's at the local bar or online — can tell you that it's challenging to say the least. And though the reasons behind this phenomenon are still somewhat mysterious, the results of a recent dating survey from Time Out has gotten closer to the problem: Apparently, we're more afraid of rejection than commitment.
Conducted over two weeks in August and September, the survey included more than 1,600 New Yorkers who were all too ready to offer up info on their dating habits. As it turns out, 58% of those surveyed reported they wait at least a couple of months before asking their S.O. to be exclusive, but 38% reported the most important thing for them is being in a stable relationship. However, not surprisingly, 34% answered that figuring out what to do with their lives is more important than dating.
Of course, the survey also included a section on the saucier side of being single. A little over half of the participants have sexted, and some owned up to having hooked up at Pianos (while Queen Latifah was waiting in line), T.G.I. Friday's in Penn Station (hot!), the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Staten Island Ferry. Check out the full survey results and see how you measure up against your neighbors. (Time Out)