UPDATE: Yes, you've seen Jennifer Lawrence's upcoming November subscriber cover for Harper's Bazaar U.K. But now there's even more to behold! Check out her equally dramatic newsstand cover above on the right (subscriber cover is on the left, for your comparison pleasure). Gorgeous, huh? Plus, a few tidbits from the inside interview are online. According to interviewer Tom Shone, "When I ask her what she most likes about her her life, she doesn't miss a beat: 'The money,' she says." Typical J Lawr — brutally honest and totally lovable. This is shaping up to be one heck of a November issue...
Originally published on October 1: Scientists are in awe today at the news that a level of beauty, grace, poise, and dainty-scarf-wearing ability previously thought unattainable has been achieved by laboratory subject #12075 (commonly known as Jennifer Lawrence). The shocking achievement has been documented on the latest subscriber cover of British medical journal Harper's Bazaar U.K.
Kidding aside though, this cover is stunning. Ben Hassett photographed America's most beloved star in a moody, retro makeup look and matching gown. It's really no surprise; we already knew this certified goofball could do ladylike just fine, thanks to American Vogue's September issue, those Miss Dior ads, and of course, that absurdly graceful fall on the steps at the Oscars. She is, after all, a talented actress.
But, it's a solid testament to her talent that she can go from someone so relatable and funny and friendly to a vision of unapproachable, untouchable perfection. It makes her impossible to label as a "type." At this point, she's taken on so many different roles that the only person who could pigeonhole her is J Lawr herself.