Congratulations on embarking on the third year of Every Drop Counts! Can you tell us a little bit more about the campaign?
"The campaign is essentially about raising awareness that water is not an unending resource. By pledging on the Facebook page to cut down on daily water usage, we can save millions of gallons of water. Last year, we saved two million gallons in one month!
Sounds great. So, your skin. It's so ridiculously glowy. Are you one of those women with a super-honed routine?
"I've learned that less is more. It's interesting, because my skin has never been as good as it was when I was pregnant. The minute I found out I was pregnant, I had, like a 10-year-old's skin! So, really, all I do is cleanse and moisturize, with a little bit of exfoliation in there.
Now that you're a mom, have you put any thought into what lessons you might teach your daughter about beauty?
"You know, I don't think I'd share beauty advice with my daughter unless she asked, because I don't want her narrative about beauty to be only about how she looks. I'd want her interest in beauty to come from an artistic, creative perspective, and not from a place of feeling bad about herself. I love makeup, and I think that it can be a really fun way for mothers and daughters to bond, I don't think that makeup should ever be treated as a mask. It should be fun!"
We know that in the past you've identified as a vegan, but have you adjusted your diet at all since experiencing pregnancy and motherhood?
"I'm actually eating vegetarian now, instead of vegan. Because I'm breast-feeding, I'd literally have to be eating all day long to get in enough calories if I was vegan, so I've added in a little bit of dairy and eggs. I do have to watch my diet in terms of my skin, though — If I have large amounts of sugar or dairy, I'm prone to getting eczema. So, watching what I eat really pays off in more ways than one."
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