There's been some confusion surrounding Too Faced's Jingle All The Way palette. Contrary to our initial thoughts, unfortunately, this is not in fact an iPhone case with a built-in makeup palette. Sigh.
But, let's be positive: When you think about it, the idea of makeup being attached to your phone at all times is kind of gross anyway. There's germs galore on our cell phones, so it may be best not to tempt fate by letting those same germs get near something that we apply on our face and eyes (we're cringing as we write this).
So, what we're left with is an iPhone shaped palette (it has 11 eyeshadows, bronzer, and blush) that pops out of a Too Faced-themed case. Not quite what we'd expected, but cute all the same. Our hairbrush has been known to moonlight as a microphone, and this is sort of the same idea, right?
There's a lot of longevity and possibility here — will lines form outside Sephora to pick up the iPhone 6 version of the palette? We kid, we kid. And, we want to know: Is the Jingle All The Way palette on your holiday wishlist?
Too Faced Jingle All The Way Makeup Set, $25, available at Too Faced.
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