Is This Woman The Real Life Carrie?

So, we all know the premise of Carrie is a bit outlandish. Girl has religious fanatic mother, girl gets teased at school, girl discovers telekinetic powers, girl wreaks havoc on classmates. But, what would you do if you came across someone with real-life evil talents? In an elaborate stunt to promote the film's upcoming remake, marketers turned a NYC coffee shop into the scene of a horror movie...kind of.
To customers' dismay, after a spill-induced altercation, a seemingly normal woman lifts an unwitting man off the ground and against a wall, all using the power of her mind. Not surprisingly, the coffee shop's patrons reacted with shock and horror, which only magnifies after the woman knocks all the shop's furniture over again using only her mind (or so they thought!). In reality, the scene was carried out by an actress and a stuntman, and the coffee shop was cleverly rigged with remote controls and wires. Not that that's providing any comfort for the terrified New Yorkers who were just trying to get a cup of coffee. Watch it all unfold below. (Laughing Squid)

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