You must be aware of the buzz surrounding Domino's comeback. How does it feel to come back and lead a mag beloved by so many? Any pressure?
"This entire experience has been pretty surreal for me, and I'm not sure I've even yet grasped it! The passion and excitement that our readers feel about the Domino brand is shared equally by me, so to now be responsible for bringing it back to life is a tremendous honor. Of course, there's pressure — we're creating content with a fraction of the original budget and staff while diving headfirst into a new business model! But, it's the challenge that excites me, and I'm giving it my best shot."
"Today's Domino is the ultimate dream come true. The original Domino created the building blocks, breaking new ground by giving readers access to editors' and designers' resources on page. Lonny broke new ground by bringing that same idea online and giving readers a direct link to the brands' online retail sites.
Gah! Domino is now shoppable! What's on your must-have list, and given no restrictions, what's on your dream wish list?
"Must-have: Caroline Z Hurley's linens. Dream wish list: all of Tom Borgese's paintings!"
What's your favorite site to find that one-off, must-have piece you can't find anywhere else?
What's the one thing you should ask yourself when considering a big purchase?
"Does it have timeless appeal? I tend to buy trendy of-the-moment textiles and art, while sticking to fairly timeless furniture styles. If you look back at the homes of design legends like YSL, Billy Baldwin, or Albert Hadley, they still feel timely and hip today. Invest in pieces that you'll have for the long haul.
What are your favorite design/decor blogs? Where does your inspiration come from?
"I find myself the most inspired when I'm traveling or when I'm at a photo shoot. It's fascinating to see the way people live all over the world! When I'm at home, I love to read Refinery29 (!!), The Coveteur, Habitually Chic, Little Green Notebook, Net-A-Porter's The Edit, Nowness...the list goes on!"

Dead or living, who owns the dream home that'd you want to feature in Domino?
"I've always been fascinated by YSL's Paris apartment (can you imagine?!), and lately, I've really been on a Francois Halard kick, and cannot wait for his new book to be published! I'm also the world's biggest fan of architect Michele Bonan, so I'm always thrilled when I have the opportunity to photograph his work."
Lonny co-founder. Condé Nast's youngest EIC. "Grand Dame of Online Shelter" per The New York Times. Let us in on any career advice!
"Ha! That's a really sweet question for you to even ask — thank you! I suppose my advice is to decide what it is that you really want to do, and to be realistic about what that means you'd need to sacrifice. I've worked nearly every night and weekend for the past seven years, and have made many personal sacrifices to get where I am today. But, it was worth it to me. So, if you decide that you absolutely want to do something, then you should do whatever it takes to get you there.
"I'm just as kind to my interns as I am to my bosses, and I'm not afraid to work hard. When I'm hiring, I look for people who have versatile talents but who are also genuinely kind and loyal. My creative director, Robert Leleux, told me that a recruiter once said, 'You have to give people a reason to hire you, other than your talent.' It's so true."