Got What It Takes To Go Freelance? This Infographic Will Help You Decide

Is flying solo your thing? Or are you happier in a traditional office set-up? If you're tossing up the pros and cons of limitless daytime TV versus juicy water cooler gossip, the helpful people at Graphic Design Degree Hub have whipped a handy infographic to help you figure things out. A map points out the top 20 cities where freelancers are found, with San Diego coming out top.
Top gripes from freelancers include the lack of stability and a "feast or famine" work cycle. On the plus side, flexibility and financial compensation score highly. Sadly it fails to acknowledge the ultimate freelancer's trump card: that pyjamas double up as officewear.
The graphic handily points that "many freelancers self-report higher pay rates, higher levels of job satisfaction, and greater work/life balance than traditional jobs. But it’s still not for everyone". Too true.
(Via PSFK)

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