How much do you share and bare with your family? Probably not as much as this guy...we hope.
Visit Home Truths: Photography, Motherhood and Identity at The Photographer’s Gallery and your eye will most likely be drawn to a series of photographs from American Leigh Ledare. Titled Pretend You’re Actually Alive, Ledare’s provocative photographs document a middle-aged woman’s sexual experiences with various men over a period of eight years — but, that’s not the surprising part. Take a closer look, and you’ll notice the captions identify the woman in these provocative pictures; she’s simply referred to as “Mom.”
Yes, that’s right, Ledare photographs his mother having sex. A lot. The images — Mom Spread with Lamp, Mom Fucking in Mirror — are not for the faint of heart. Asked how he felt shooting the series by The Guardian, Ledare replied: “I moved between different feelings – uncomfortable, absurd, funny.” Exactly how we’d describe our own reaction to the exhibition. Are you going to see the show? We'd love to hear your own reactions to Ledare's work in the comments below. (The Guardian)
Photo: Via The Guardian.