Sick of smug selfies littering your social media feeds? Feel like hurling your coffee at the screen when the offending photo is accompanied by a caption to the tune of "four weeks of swimming with dolphins in Hawaii is exhausting. I need another vacation!"? Us too.
While the phenomenon has enabled us to become acquainted with certain celebrity body parts more comprehensively than we could ever have imagined (or desired)—namely Miley's tongue and Rihanna's derriere— it's hard to deny that selfies can get pretty annoying.
Thankfully these self-serving PDAs might just be in the wane. New research by Bing reveals that people are increasingly becoming tired of looking at 'selfies', with a quarter of adults admitting that they are totally over them, the Telegraph reports.
Of course sometimes it's useful and interesting to know what friends (and Kimye) are up to —and selfies are an excellent way of keeping informed, but maybe, just maybe, it's time for digital etiquette to catch up with what most us are thinking.